Wednesday 18 October 2017

Evaluation of Performance 17/10/2017

 Me and my classmates, Leah, Tom and Manon performed the song  'Vultures' by John Mayer.
We performed this song in the Worthing college Slight Theatre.

We were able to play the piece in time, and perform with confidence. Communication was good in the group during the performance, for example we all looked at each other to signify when we were going to finish.

The lighting set we chose, for whatever technical reason, was not used during the performance, but that didn't hinder us in any way.
The amps we used were weak, next time we would use better amps.

Personally, I feel I performed well, if we had had more time to practise I would have elaborated the bass I played for the song however what I did play for the performance, although it was simple, did work well for the performance.

My performance preparation could have been better if I had practised more.
Overall I was happy with the performance, however to further develop myself as a performer I will in future practice more before a show.

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