Wednesday 11 October 2017

Unit 385 Improving Instrumental Performance

Unit Title: 385 Improving Instrumental Performance

Assessment criteria



Performance & Evaluation

1.1 Undertake activities relating to the efficient operation of their instrument in context, including an analysis of personal health and safety issues and risks in relation to the demands of their instrumental playing and performance.

1.2 Demonstrate analytical understanding of the personal instrument and equipment choice.

2.1 Analyse own current instrumental skills in relation to personal goals and devise an action plan (to be agreed with the tutor) relating to the achievement of the personal goals, including:

a) personalized practice plan detailing strategies for the improvement of specific skills
b) regularly evaluate progress through peer/tutor critique to inform their ongoing review of the practice plan

3.1 Over an agreed study period, demonstrate developmental progression as an instrumentalist in:
a) technical ability
b) dexterity
c) stamina
d) control of the instrument

3.2 Review the progression in 3.1 citing at least two areas for development, revising the timeframe for achievement.

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