Wednesday 7 February 2018

Unit 317

Assessment criteria



1.1 Critically compare the profiles of two chosen musical styles analyzing contrasts in:
a) cultural and historical influences
b) audience expectations and perceptions
c) technological developments
d) media representations

Choose two contrasting music styles that interest you.

Investigate the era in terms of fashion, politics, art, social and economic factors, technology (in music production particularly) etc.

1.2 Explain the main musical elements of each style identified in 1.1, illustrating the importance of the following, where appropriate:
a) instrumentation (texture/timbre)
b) structure
c) rhythm
d) melody
e) lyrical content
f) use of technology
g) production

You will make reference to at least four recorded examples

Elements of Music in Context blog or vlog with entries for a) to g) giving examples across a variety of styles

Identify the common musical elements that give the styles their characteristic features making reference to at least four examples from each genre

1.3 Evaluate personal response to each style identified in 1.1 in terms of, where applicable:
a) relationship to own musical output
b) relationship to own image/lifestyle
c) relationship to personal music taste

What is my musical taste?

What kind of music do I like to perform?

How does the music I like reflect or inform my image/lifestyle?

What links are there between this and the styles studied?

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